As a parent of a precocious 6 year old, I know how her personality, intelligence level and attention span affect her learning. I must admit, I'm amazed when she's done an entire day's work ~ reading, spelling, English, phonics, math, Bible, handwriting, science and Typing Island ~ within ninety minutes or an hour and a half.
I wonder how I'm going to keep her interested when she's already in her 3rd chapter of math although we've only been schooling for 8 days. I feel concern when she's already at the end of 1st quarter reading of the scheduled 1st grade curriculum.
In other words, I feel overwhelmed and grossly inadequate!
Very recently, after confiding my concerns to a sister in Christ, she encouraged me to go ahead & place my child in the public arena, just to be tested for "giftedness" and to give her "socialization". After all, I could still home school, but this way she will have the full benefit of the public education that she has a "right" to.
At first, I was intrigued! Popsicle could still be home schooled and be able to do art, music, PE, and perhaps be considered gifted?!
Thank God for my husband to remind me why we chose to home school Popsicle!
1. Liberal Agenda: Satan is out to destroy Christianity in any way, shape, or form. The father of lies has used "free thinking" radicals from the 60's and 70's to change the way our society thinks. They are accomplishing this by changing the next generation ~ our precious, impressionable children. Unfortunately, it's been able to slip by because because of narcissism, feminism and materialism. (I'll save that post for another time!)
Don't agree? That's fine. However, please consider this ~ In case you haven't noticed, our country's new philosophy is "tolerance". In his 1998 book, The New Tolerance, Josh McDowell writes, "Once, tolerance was defined as recognizing and respecting others' beliefs and practices even without sharing them. Tolerance would often necessarily entail enduring, or putting up with, someone or something not especially liked.
But today's definition of tolerance is very different. Now, a "tolerant" person views all values, beliefs, lifestyles, and truth claims as equal, which leads one to question ~ what is the standard? What is truth?" (Hmm ~ seems that Pilate asked that same question over 2,000 years ago!)
"You see, where this new "tolerance" reigns, there can be no hierarchy of truth, and no standard by which to discern between competing truth claims. Every man's position must be praised and considered equally valid. This is because the new tolerance considers all truth claims to be mere opinions ~ not absolutes" (moral relativism, anyone?) "that are true across time and cultures, but culturally created and culturally conditioned ideas.
By this new standard, any system of belief which claims to be transcendent and absolute ~ making truth claims that are not qualified as relative according to time, place, and person ~ is considered to be "intolerant." In a society which scorns absolutes and denies the existence of any natural law written on the heart, or any intrinsic human nature, there can be only one universal virtue ~ tolerance ~ and that virtue must be enforced with almost religious fervor."
Well, I think that just about sums up the liberal agenda!
3. Teach my children God's Standard & HIS Agenda! Jesus is THE only standard, and His agenda is to redeem mankind back to Himself. If I want to raise the next generation of Christ-lovers and Christ-followers, I must make an effort to equip my child with Biblical truths, doctrine and scripture when they go out to face battle.
Battle? Yes. Spiritual warfare. It's all around us, and you can "bet your sweet bippy" that Satan is out there to entice/lure/trick our children to question their faith.
Southern Baptist Convention research shows that 88% of children who were raised in church abandon the faith by the end of their freshman year in college.
Scary statistics, isn't it?
However, after much prayer and consideration, my husband & I decided to put our oldest two in the public arena. Bubby's in 5th grade, Teenager is now in 8th. We sheltered ~ why, may I ask, is that word always spoken with disdain? I believe it to be a positive thing for impressionable children! Isn't Jesus considered to be our Shelter? ~ and trained them at home for 3-1/2 years. Now Russ & I encourage and continue to train/help Teenager & Bubby to be salt and light to a dark & decaying world.
Teenager has already had to take a stand for Christ. She's already had to deal with moral relativism, atheism, evolution and "tolerance". That was last year. SEVENTH grade. All at the tender age of 12. Praise the Lord, she was prepared! Although she has faced criticism and was even made fun of at times by her peers, she has endured & was even able to see a friend receive Christ as Savior at church camp this summer!
We've taught our children that to be a follower of Christ, you're going to look different and act different than the world. You're going to stand out. You may be made fun of. You will be going against the flow. But it is worth it! After all, it's not about us. It's all about Jesus. It's not what we say, but what the Bible says. God's Word is the final authority ~ what pierces, convicts and discerns ~ Hebrews 4:12 ~ not our own.
I know there are many more challenges and days that will be overwhelming, but I cannot ~ must not ~ quit! I must remain firm in my beliefs that God has pressed upon me. This is why I've chosen to home school.
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