December 12, 2014

Feeling a Little Nostalgic

Yesterday marked another milestone.  Popsicle turned eight years old.  It doesn't seem so long ago that she was a tiny infant, swathed in fluffy receiving blankets, her little eyes barely open to the world.

 She's always been such a joy ~ a precious unexpected blessing that has completely enriched my life.

Popsicle is a happy child with an innocence and tender heart that brings tears to my eyes.

After a couple of terse weeks, Teenager (then age six) decided having a baby sister wasn't so bad. Ever since, Popsicle and Teenager have always been close ~ I couldn't wish for their relationship to be any better.

(Just another Sunday afternoon ~ circa 2006)

(Easter 2008)

(Teenager's Homecoming 2014)

From the first moment he saw her, Bubby (then age four) proclaimed himself her protector and was enthralled with his baby sister.  He and Popsicle still get along ~ at times!  He's now also known as chief agitator and instigator of mischief.

(Christmas 2007)

(Teenager, then age 9, Popsicle, age 2, and Bubby, age 7 )

Now Popsicle is a bright, effervescent, assertive and tender-hearted young lady that never ceases to inspire and amaze me.  She loves Jesus and desires to be a missionary when she's "bigger".  However, her sweet spirit and ability to look out for others is a ministry within itself.  From showing a harried waitress compassion by giving her a last quarter as a special tip ~ to giving five dollars to our local food bank for hungry children ~ Popsicle is allowing God to use her as a missionary even now, although she doesn't quite recognize it.

She desires to do right and wants to please her parents and teachers.  She works very hard in her studies to achieve success ~ she loves music by singing and playing the piano.  I love homeschooling her ~ she's like a little sponge, eager to learn every new thing she can. I'm so thankful that the Lord brought little Popsicle into our lives ~ we're blessed beyond measure!

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