December 10, 2014

I'm Back!

It's been absolutely forever since I've blogged!  So much has happened ~ some things for the better, some things not so good.

Today I'll share about the things that have changed for the better.

Isn't it funny when we think we have just got things figured out, we find out that we really don't?  In one of my last posts, "Out of the Nest", I talked about how it was time for me to step out of the familiarity of my musical "nest" and try something new.  Well, God had other ideas.  Not even a week after that post, I found out that our worship leader at church was leaving.  I was approached by my pastor to direct the choir until a new man could be hired.  This wasn't going to be a few weeks ~ no, this was a long-term situation ~ at least 4-6 months, maybe longer.

I balked.  After all, I was ready to set aside my "musical-ness" to do something different, something more for the Kingdom. Something not so "showy".  I wanted to be in the background, quietly doing things for Christ where I wouldn't be noticed.  Now this?  What on earth was my pastor thinking?  In fact, what was God thinking?

At first, I declined.  I had already talked to the children's ministry director to begin teaching Sunday School in a little under a month. I had cool ideas on room decor, how I was looking to minister to my class and even how I was going to prepare a healthy breakfast snack for them each week.

And now, here it came the request yet again ~ pushing me back into the nest I wanted to get out of.  Be musical.  Direct the choir.  I sighed heavily as I saw my carefully crafted plans drift away, just out of my reach.

(Let me clarify that there was no way I could do both ~ the Sunday School hour is during the Heritage service ~ when the choir ministers to the congregation.)

It was the hubs that got me back on track.  He reminded me that I needed to submit to the Lord about this. Obviously, He put us at this new church to minister.  He gave me the talent/expertise to do the job.  I could easily step right in ~ I just had to be willing.  That got me.  Ever since I gave my life to Jesus, I told Him that I just wanted to do His will, not mine.  I called the pastor that evening with my agreement.

However, I was terrified.  After all, I had a different conducting style than our worship leader did.  I come at it from a music teacher aspect.  I push for musical accuracy in notation, diction, phrasing, and emotion. What if everyone hated my style?  What if everyone quit?  Then what?

Well, I'm happy to say that the Lord has blessed the choir tremendously!  No one has quit ~ in fact, several people have joined the choir!  We are getting ready to share our Christmas cantata this Sunday evening.  I enjoy directing these folks and have received such a blessing out of it!

If I could leave you with one thought for the day, it would be to encourage you to be a willing vessel for the Lord to use in His time and for His purpose.

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